Pilgrimage for Peace & Justice – my case

Why to York? なんでヨークへ?
From Sept.3 to 5 the IPPNW World Congress was held in the campus of the York
in UK. IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear Wars) has
been advocating prevention of nuclear wars in support of the UN measures and
efforts for nuclear disarmament. It welcomed the Nuclear prevention Treaty just
passed in the UN on July 7th this year.
9 月 3 日から 5 日にかけて核戦争防止国際医師会( IPPNW)の総会がイギリスのヨーク大学で
開催されました。 IPPNW は国連の核軍縮施策を尊重し、核戦争防止を呼びかけてきました。
今年 7 月 7 日に国連で採択された核兵器禁止条約を歓迎しています。
The Congress was open to any physicians, doctors, medical practitioners, medical
workers as well as peace activists at the grassroots. Many people are expected to
come and join the Congress to congratulate themselves for the great achievement on
their long lasting struggle for nuclear disarmament. I decided to join the Congress as
a grassroots glocal peace activist .
Why me going? なんで私が行くの
In 1975 the UN declared IWY(International Women’s Year). The goal of IWY was to
achieve peace, development and equality of women.
WIDF (Women’s International Democratic Federation) then having a headquarters
in East Berlin, capital of GDR(German democratic Republic) opened the door to women
of the world to work in the secretariat office.
国連は 1975 年を国際婦人年としました。婦人年の目標は平和、開発、平等でした。国際民主
婦人連盟は当時ドイツ民主共和国の首都であった東ベルリンにありました。 民婦連は書記局員を
WIDF had affiliation with women’s organizations from more than 100 countries, many
from USSR led eastern block countries ( USSR,GDR,Bulgaria, Romania etc.)
As for Japan, The Federation of Japanese Women’s Organization (Fudanren) had
been affiliated. Fudanren asked me to work in the secretari at and I joined the
secretariat and started working in East Berlin. I stayed there for 2 and half years.民婦連には 100 か国以上の諸国の女性組織が加盟していましたが大半はソ連主導の東欧諸国
でした。 日本からは、日本婦人団体連合会〈婦団連〉が加盟していました。婦団連の推薦で私は
国際婦人年に民婦連の書記局員となり、 2 年半にわたって東ベルリンに駐在することになりまし
In 1976 ‘No Nukes York Forum’ was announced. Fudanren asked me to join the
I took the labor to get a train ticket crossing the Berlin wall and passing borders of
East and West Germany. I took ferry crossing the English channel and landed at
Dover. The custums officers at Dover stopped me and questioned me for 2 hours
before I was finally released.
USSR vs.USA, the cold war was going on. A young woman from Japan traveling
from East Germany to UK might have been so strange for them.
1976 年、「ノー‣ニューク ヨーク・フォーラム」開催が発表され、参加するよう婦団連から
ました。フェリーで英国海峡を渡りドーバーでイギリス入国の検査を受けましたが、 検査官は
東ベルリンからやってきた若い日本人女性を訝り別室で尋問を行いました。 2 時間待機させら
What was discussed in York in 1976? ヨークでは何が話しあわれたの?
When I finally arrived York University, I was pleasantly surprised to know that
Setsuko Thurlow came all the way from Canada. And a friend of mine from Osaka,
my home town、 in the Japanese group.
Setsuko’s story moved the heart of the people gathered
I talked about how Japanese women at the grassroots aspire nuclear free world.
My friend talked about the actions taken by the Osaka Hibakusha Women’s
Association,which catered the women A bomb victims living in and around Osaka.
He also told a story of his student who was the second generation of Hibakusha born
after bombing but developed leukemia and passed away before finishing high school.
せつ子さんの話は皆の心を打つものでした。 私は日本の女性たちがどんなに核兵器の危険の
ない世界を切望しているかを話し、友人は大阪でつくられた「 大阪被爆婦人の会」の活動や自身
の教え子の被爆二世の男子が卒業をまたずに亡くなったことなどを発言しました。On the issue of nuclear disarmament, US and USSR were boasting ‘Nuclear
Deterrence’ theory at all times.
In York we clearly said ‘No more and never again Hiroshimas and Nagasakis!! And
maintained that ‘Deterrence’ will never lead us nuclear elimination and abolition.
核軍縮の課題で米国とソ連は一貫して「核抑止論」 を吹聴し、それに固執してきました。
ヨークで私たちは「ノーモア、ネヴァー・アゲイン ヒロシマ・ナガサキ!! 核兵器抑止
The Pilgrimage to York in 2017 2017 年、 再びヨークへ巡礼の旅
The common dreams for nuclear free world we shared in 1976 in York have led us to
the UN Treaty for Nuclear Prohibition passed this year in 2017.
Many people attended the Congress and the following workshops and various
activities expressed their joy and determination to carry on their mission to push all
parties and civil societies to sign and ratify the Treaty by all means.
1976 年ヨークで皆がシェアーした共通の夢「核兵器の危険のない世界」が大きな力になって今年 2017
I was very impressed to know that many docters, medical practitioners and their
supporters in Japan had been working for Hibakushas so hard taking nuclear related
issues including on going Fukushima nuclear hazards so sincerely and seriously.
I hope they will intensify their efforts to change the government nuclear policy
which has been so inadequate and let the Japanese government sign and ratify the
Treaty and work in accordance with the UN Treaty.
My pilgrimage to York after 40 years was quite rewarding.
40 年ぶりの私のヨーク巡礼は大変報われたものになりました。