オスプレイ大阪伊丹国際空港に緊急着陸!Protest to the emergency landing of Osprey in Osaka International Airport


Protest letter to the Emergency Landing of US Aircraft, Osprey



On April 1st, at 1:56 PM an US aircraft, Osprey, made the emergency landing at the Osaka International Airport in Itami city. OIA is solely for the civil aircraft flights. OIA is away from the Osprey flying route. The emergency landing of the Osprey had paralyzed the function of the airport for 20 minutes.

The US military officials said they had done due check up of the aircraft so that it won’t harm the pilots and the citizens around. However, the OIA is located in the densely populated urban area which is quite vulnerable to the abrupt flight operations.

We have grave concerns over this incident due to the lack of any information as to the reason of the emergency landing on OIA which is out of the regular Osprey flying route. The US military operations have priority over the safety of the Japanese citizens. We will never accept this situation. Therefore we address the followings:




1. Stop Osprey flying exercise all over Japan including Okinawa.

2. Disclose all information as to the reason of emergency landing specifically on OIA,

the plan of compensation for the affected civil flights if any, the flying route and any safety measures taken for the Osprey on that day.

3. Stop deploying Ospreys to SDF for safeguarding the citizens life.