

Appeal for a Nuclear Weapon-Free World.
Please Sign!
Toward the 2010 NPT Review Conference
Appeal for a Nuclear Weapon-Free World
Even now, in the 21st Century, world peace and security are still threatened by 26,000 nuclear weapons.
As the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki show us, nuclear weapons instantly destroy countless lives, torment people in future generations, and ruin civilizations.
The Hibakusha, the A-bomb survivors, continue to warn that humanity cannot coexist with nuclear weapons. Never again should we create more victims of nuclear weapons.
For the survival of the human race and for the future of our children, let us achieve a world free of nuclear weapons through our actions in solidarity
Toward the 2010 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, the nuclear weapons states are called to honor the “unequivocal undertaking” of May 2000 to eliminate their nuclear weapons.
We call on the nuclear weapons states and all other governments to agree to commence and conclude negotiations of a treaty,   a nuclear weapons convention, to ban and eliminate nuclear weapons without delay.

This appeal was adopted at the World Conference against Atomic & Hydrogen Bombs held in Hiroshima on August 6, 2008.
 Now the signature collecting campaign to support the appeal is going on worldwide with global, national and local initiatives.
 We are local peace groups from Osaka, Japan, Osaka Gensuikyo( Osaka Council against A & H Bombs) and Codepink Osaka.
Osaka is located 300km east of Hiroshima. The city was air raided and severely destroyed in the World War II and   reconstructed after the war. Quite a number of  Hibakushas moved to and settled in Osaka after bombing.We support Hibakushas in Osaka and elsewhere in the world.             
In Osaka, we have been carrying out the campaign for elimination of nuclear weapons with our local initiative in collaboration with peace loving people of the world. 

  We’ve joined the signature collecting campaign asking for the support of the friends both local and global.
Let us cross the national boundary and work together for nuclear free world in solidarity.
                                                             Osaka Council against A & H Bombs
                                         ★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Codepink Osaka /JAPAN   https://codepink.jp
                                                                          E-mail  glocaloh@gold.ocn.ne.j

   このアピールは、2008年8月6日広島で開催された「 原水爆禁止世界大会 」で採択されました。  
   大阪は広島から訳300km東にある都市です。第二次大戦中に空襲を受け大半が焼け野原となり街は戦後再建されました。原爆投下後に、たくさんの被爆者が移り住まれた街です。 大阪で私たちは世界中の平和を愛する人たちと核兵器廃絶をめざす取組をすすめています。                                  私たちは、大阪の、そして世界中の被爆者を支援します。 私たちは、地域の、そして世界中の友人達    に署名を拡げる取組に参加してくださるようよびかけています。国境を越えて核兵器のない世界めざし、  共にがんばりましょう!                  
                                                原水爆禁止大阪協議会/ コード・ピンク大阪