

― アン・ライトさんと私 ― 尾川寿江            


コード・ピンクが編集した”Stop The Next War Now”に込められたアメリカの女性たちの真摯な平和への思いと勇敢な行動に感激した私は、日本語に翻訳して日本の女性たちに知らせたいと思いたちました。本格的な本の翻訳など初めての経験でしたが、次々に登場する素晴らしい女性たちに背中を押されるように仲間とともに翻訳作業をすすめ、半年かかって日本語版が出来上がりました。




コード・ピンク・ハウスに足を踏み入れるとそこでは、コード・ピンクの創設者の一人メディア・ベンジャミンさん、ハウス・マザーのデズリーさん、スタッフのジャンさんらがピンクのTシャツ姿で行きかいされていました。その奥から黒のTシャツにジーパン姿の金髪の女性が私たちのほうに微笑みながら近づいてこられました。シャツには白く「We won’t be silent」と書かれています。アン・ライトさんです。写真から想像していたイメージより、はるかに優しそうで、暖かな人柄が溢れていました。

こうして、出会ったアン・ライトさんと数日間ワシントンで行動を共にすることが出来ました。その間にも彼女は、「議会で戦争ノーと叫んで逮捕されたのは不当だ」と訴えた裁判に出廷したり、メディアさんとカナダ入国手続きの際にFBIの犯罪者データ・ベース・リストに載っているからと入国を拒否され、「私たちは犯罪者ではない」とカナダ政府とFBIに抗議に行ったり、Democracy Now のテレビ・インタビューに生出演したりと大忙しの毎日を過ごしていました。カナダ大使館前、FBI前の抗議行動には私も参加しました。-

突然日本からやってきた私たちに、コード・ピンクの姉妹達は長年来の友人のように接してくれました。そして、私のささやかな取組(「コード・ピンク大阪」のホームページ https://codepink.jp)をコード・ピンクのlocal network-international-Osaka として加えてくれることになりました。以来私は、コード・ピンカーとして大阪を中心にローカルでグローバルな平和の取組を続けています。

ワシントン滞在中に、アン・ライトさんの本が完成し大変話題になっていて、全米各地で平和グループ等がすでに出版記念講演会を組んで出版を待ち望んでいることを知りました。その年の12月にようやく出版されたその本が、” Dissent  Voices of Conscience ” です。

















   Final Prologue to the Japanese Edition of

                                     “Dissent: Voices of Conscience”

My co-author Susan Dixon and I are honored to write this prologue for the Japanese edition of our book, “Dissent: Voices of Conscience.” Eight years after the U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, the deaths of tens of thousands of Afghans, the imprisonment in Guantanamo of over 800 persons some for eight years without a trial, and six years after the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and the imprisonment of tens of thousands in Iraq, the leadership of the United States, and of most countries in the world, has changed.

 In the United States, we hope for dramatic and positive changes in domestic and international policies so that our country will return to the rule of law and respect for human rights and will no longer violate international laws and treaties.   With a new administration’s policies, new voices of conscience will emerge that will critique these policies and programs–all for the purpose of ensuring that our government abides by the laws that citizens must abide by.  We hope we will never see again the level of purposeful bending and breaking of our laws by elected and career government officials as we have seen in the past 8 years, but if we do, the voices of conscience will emerge again in full voice!

We dedicate this prologue to a strong voice of conscience in Japan– a Japanese diplomat who should have been included in the original edition of the book. 

Ambassador Naoto Amaki served as a Japanese diplomat for 34 years in Japanese Embassies in Malaysia, Australia and Canada and as Consul General at Detroit, Michigan.  He was appointed Japanese Ambassador to Lebanon in January, 2001.

On March 14, six days before the Iraq war began, Ambassador Amaki sent a telegram to Japanese Foreign Minister Kawaguchi stating that “The launch of a war on Iraq without a United Nations resolution will undermine the framework for international peace. Japan should strongly urge the United States not to wage war. We should continue to exhaust all our diplomatic efforts so as to avoid the war.” He asked that his telegram be forwarded to Prime Minister Koizumi and Chief Cabinet Secretary Fukuda.

He sent a second telegram on March 24 after air strikes had punished Baghdad, charging that the support expressed by Prime Minister Koizumi for the U.S. war policy was “totally wrong and inhumane.” Amaki urged Koizumi to use his influence to stop the war instead of supporting U.S. President Bush.

He sent copies of both messages to fellow Japanese Ambassadors around the world requesting them to join him in challenging the government’s support of the Iraq war.

Shortly after he sent the two telegrams to the Foreign Ministry, Ambassador Amaki received a phone call from a senior foreign ministry official asking whether he intended to resign to protest the Japanese Government policy on Iraq. He replied he did not intend to do so, but he was ready to accept the order if Prime Minister Koizumi asked him to leave his position. A week later he received another phone call from the same senior foreign ministry official telling him that he would be summoned back to Japan in mid-July. 2003.

 The senior official warned Amaki that his copying the March, 2003 telegrams to the Foreign Ministry to other Ambassadors could lead to a breach in security by “disclosing secrets,” http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20031001a8.html

Month later, Amaki received a formal notification letter from Vice Foreign Minister Yukio Takeuchi asking him to resign voluntarily “as part of the ministry’s rejuvenation efforts.” At 52 years old, and the youngest of his Ambassadorial colleagues, the new “rejuvenation efforts program” was used by the ministry as an excuse to fire him. (http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20031009a3.html).  In August, 2003, he was removed from his position as Japanese Ambassador to Lebanon and forced to leave from the Japanese Government.

Following this dismissal from the Japanese diplomatic corps, Ambassador Amaki has been extremely active in challenging Japanese foreign policies.  In his book “So Long Ministry of Foreign Affairs,”  he wrote that Japanese foreign policy attaches more importance to US interests rather than to the interest of Japanese public.  He also joined a court action which sued the Japanese government for its violation of peace constitution which prohibits sending self defense forces to overseas to join the war in Iraq.  He also ran for national election against Prime Minister Koizumi, in Koizumi’s parliamentary home district.

Additionally, because of his stature in the international community, Ambassador Amaki has been asked to participate in important international conferences on Palestinian issues that affect international national security. 

Ambassador Amaki  continues to use his experience and expertise to effect change in his country and in the world.

Authoring a book “So Long Ministry of Foreign Affairs”

Ambassador Amaki’s book, “So Long MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)”  (“Saraba Gaimusho” ), criticized  Koizumi’s foreign policy on Iraq as a “grandstanding  performance” and condemned the MOFA as a corrupt and demoralized bureaucracy. The subtitle of the book is “I will not forgive Prime Minister Koizumi and his bureaucrats, who betrayed our country.”  Amaki criticized Prime Minister Koizumi and the Foreign Ministry for supporting what he described as U.S. President George W. Bush’s “murderous policy” on Iraq.

Running for Office Against the Prime Minister

Ambassador Amaki ran for national  elections in Yokosuka in September, 2005, against Prime Minister Koizumi on Japan’s participation in the war in Iraq.  With no media coverage of his candidacy, Amaki was defeated by Koizumi, whose family has held office there for three generations. 

Challenging the Japanese Government’s Participation in the War on Iraq in Court- Article 9 Renunciation of War

Ambassador Amaki has also challenged in Japanese courts his government’s participation in the war on Iraq. Amaki was one of the high-profiled plaintiffs in a Japanese court case challenging Japanese Self-Defense Forces participation in the war on Iraq. 

In April, 2008, the Nagoya High Court, acting on an appeal from the citizens against a Nagoya District Court decision in April 2006, which turned down the suit, ruled that sending the Air Self-Defense Force to Iraq was unconstitutional stating that the ASDF’s mission to airlift armed troops from multinational forces to Baghdad, a war zone, is an act integral to the use of force by other countries. The ASDF continued airlifting activities to and from Iraq even after the Ground Self-Defense Force ended their mission in July 2006.

Presiding Judge Kunio Aoyama said, ”The ASDF’s airlifting activities (to and from Iraq) run counter to (the war-renouncing) Article 9 of the Constitution” and to the 2003 special law to allow the Self-Defense Forces to provide humanitarian support for Iraq’s reconstruction efforts.

Article 9 stipulates ”the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes.”

”The ASDF’s mission to airlift armed troops from multinational forces to Baghdad plays a part in the use of force by other countries” and it can be considered that Japan is itself using force, which is banned by the Constitution, he said.

However, Japanese government officials refused to accept the court’s judgment:  Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura told a press conference, ”We cannot accept such a ruling.  ‘The ruling will not affect the SDF activities (in Iraq).”  Japan’s top uniformed officer, Adm. Takashi Saito, the chief of staff of the SDF Joint Staff Office, said that the ASDF’s airlifting mission does not play an integral part in the use of force, suggesting the ASDF dispatch is constitutional.

Challenging International Silence on the Israeli Wall in the Occupied West Bank

In November, 2004, Ambassador Amaki, as the former Japanese Ambassador to Lebanon, was invited to participate in an international conference at the Peace Palace in the Hague, the Netherlands on international responsibilities regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in particular, the Israeli construction of the wall in the Occupied West Bank.  At the conclusion of the conference, fourteen former and current politicians and Ambassadors, including Ambassador Amaki, signed the conference declaration that stated:

November 6, 2004

We, the undersigned former and current politicians and diplomats, call on our governments to bring their policies regarding the Israel/Palestine conflict into accordance with International Law – both in theory and practice. Currently, applied policies frequently contradict the declared positions of our governments and seriously hurt the chances for peace in the Middle East. The way our governments have dealt with the “Wall” that Israel is building on occupied Palestinian land is a case in point.

On 9 July, 2004, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague concluded in its Advisory Opinion that the Wall that Israel is building on occupied Palestinian land is illegal and must be dismantled, while Palestinians who have suffered damages as a result of the construction of the Wall must be compensated by Israel. In addition, the ICJ confirmed the illegality of all settlements that Israel has built on occupied Palestinian land, including East Jerusalem.

Moreover, the ICJ explicitly reminded the international community of its obligation to ensure Israel’s compliance with basic and binding rules under International Humanitarian Law, which is violated by the Wall and other Israeli policies. States were called upon not to assist in any way in the construction of the Wall and to uphold International Humanitarian Law as a framework for the resolution of the conflict.

On 20 July, an overwhelming majority (150-6) of the UN General Assembly, including all EU member states, accepted the ICJ Opinion and demanded that Israel and all UN member states comply with the legal obligations spelled out in the Opinion:
 ”In view of the reaffirmation of the legal framework to the conflict provided by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), we deeply regret that our governments have taken no visible, let alone effective measures so far to ensure Israel’s compliance with its obligations as the occupying power. Hence, Israel has been given a free hand to continue conducting its illegal policies, including the construction of the Wall on occupied land at an accelerated pace. This is leading to further infringements on International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law, for which hundreds of thousands of Palestinians pay a terrible price every day, reinforcing the existing state of lawlessness and impunity.

… We call upon our governments to move beyond simple declarations embracing the rules and principles enshrined in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law. Positions that are in accordance with International Law need to be followed up by actions that confirm and strengthen the rule of law, and not the ‘law of the jungle’.

Actions taken by the international community can indeed prevent or sanction illegal Israeli policies. Only if such actions are taken can a process be established that will lead to a negotiated, just and lasting peace in the Middle East.”

Ambassador Amaki: A Man of Conscience

It is an honor to place Ambassador Naoto Amaki into the newest edition of our book “Dissent: Voices of Conscience.” His voice has indeed been a strong voice of conscience for the people of Japan.  We applaud his continued service to his country and the world by challenging the policies and actions of his government and of other governments around the world in issues of war, peace, social justice and accountability.

日本語版 ま え が き

 共著者のスーザン・ディクソンと私は私たちの本 ”Dissent:Voices of Conscience” の邦訳版へのまえがきを書くことを光栄に思います。米国のアフガニスタン侵略、占領から8年が経過し、何千人にものぼるアフガニスタン人の死、8年間にわたりグアンタナモ収容所に裁判を受けることもできずに拘束された800人を越える人々、米国のイラク侵略、占領から6年、何万人ものイラクの人々が死亡し、何千人もの人が投獄されています。






アン・ライト元米軍大佐、スーザン・ディクソン 著




 DISSENT: VOICES OF CONSCIENCE ( 異議有り:良心の声)というタイトル、Government Insiders Speaks out Against the War in Iraq ( 政府内部からイラク戦争反対の声 ) というサブ・タイトルは、先制攻撃による戦争にすすめば想像もつかない大惨事になり、それから後悔しても遅いと知って戦争への反対の意思を表明した勇気ある公務員等が行ったことを正確に伝えています。彼等の話、辞任状、抗議声明等がアン・ライトさんと、共著者のスーザン・ディクソンさんによって収集されました。外交官、現役の軍人、FBI職員、内部告発者等からの話であり、合衆国のみならずイギリス、日本、デンマーク、オーストラリアから集められたものです。ジョージ・ブッシュが大統領で、トニー・ブレアがイギリスの首相であった時、反対の声をあげた彼ら、彼女らは単に職とキャリアを犠牲にしたに留まりませんでした。軍法会議にかけられ、投獄され、不忠と告発され、嘘・中傷・嘲笑の的となったのです。









 DISSENT:VOICES OF CONSCIENCE は、真実を追究し、真実を守ろうと私たちを鼓舞する人々を尊敬する全ての人々に意味のある本なのです。

              ニディア・リーフ  2009年3月19日